13 yr old schnauzer drinking and peeing in the house

by Linda
(Greeley CO)

He has never peed in the house before, he has been drinking barrels of water everyday and has for several months, at his yearly exam they did blood tests and everything was normal. What is going on? He eats fine, hasn't lost weight, does have 2 heart murmurs now and has been on Rimadyl for arthritis and tramadol for pain.

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Aug 02, 2015
Excessive drinking and going out all night
by: Anonymous

Definitely go and ask the vet to check for Addisons! Simple senior panel will give indicators and an electrolyte tests. If it is this addisons do something now do not wait because it affects the heart and the dog could die.

Our dog showed the same symptoms of excessive drinking and wanting out 4 times a night and I asked the vet to run the senior panel and they found addisons.

Nov 25, 2014
Peeing in the House.
by: Bob T

Ask your vet if he suspects addisons disease. I have a 10 year old schnoodle, she was diagnosed at 7 with addisons almost lost her. They saved her and now she has a percoten v shot once a month and has to take prednisone every 3 days. She is very healthy otherwise and I supplement her with liquid B-12 and she acts likes she is three. Good Luck.

Sep 27, 2014
second opinion
by: Linda and Max

We'd be tempted to get a second opinion, what you describe are classic symptoms of a kidney problem or diabetes - both of which can usually be treated.
Good luck.

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