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Can I Feed Jack Our Food? 

Jack is a miniature. He has a wonderful personality and is very loving. He is just too cute for words. He is 4 years old.
Max, I would like to know if …
Male Toy Poodle Looking for Schnauzer Mate Not rated yet
We have a seven-year-old toy poodle that we would like to breed with a schnauzer. We had a litter of schnoodles 15 years ago with his father, and we would …
tear stains -can you help? Not rated yet
I have a white schnauzer that currently has bad tear
stains.....I have been using dispelled water for the past two months and only
see a little …
Schnauzer pups born with pink pads Not rated yet
I was doing research on schnauzer puppy markings to determine if they would be black and silver or salt and pepper and notice on a site where it said that …
Puppy meeting strangers issue Not rated yet
My 13 week old Miniature Schnauzer has just started to go on walks but when meeting new people has a half hearted growl or bark (we call it a gruff). …
Worried about Chloe Not rated yet
We have a 5 yr. old miniature schnauzer that has several troubling traits. First of all we have to struggle to get her to eat dog food and yes we share …
Janette Not rated yet
Jeanette my miniature Schnauzer seems to be panting a lot lately. I was given her from my daughter in law who raised her from birth. I don't recall seeing …
Joanne Not rated yet
my miniature schnauzer (14 inches tall) likes to lay on his stomach when he sleeps, is this anything to be concerned about? He acts like his stomach …
Ms Not rated yet
Hello Linda and Max
My schnauzer pup will be a year old in few weeks.
He is spoiled. Go everywhere with us and basically gets treated like a baby. …
schnauzer reaching puberty... Not rated yet
Why is my 10 month dog schnauzer licking every male dog's penis? He also keeps mounting my 5 year old mini. Please help Gill.
nervous & trembling Not rated yet
Our mini schnauzer is 9 years old. She has always been afraid of loud noises and storms. Lately, she is nervous and trembles most of the time. She is …
Schnauzer Head Shake & Vomiting Not rated yet
We have a 7 year old Schnauzer who has recently begun shaking his head (ears flap back and forth), vomiting and becoming restless throughout …
old Schnauzer with unusual problem Not rated yet
My SCHNAUZER IS 17 and a half he keeps bending his head underneath his body, why is he doing this?
NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: I'm afraid we don't know …
Schnauzer losing hip hair -why? Not rated yet
My standard schnauzer has started losing hair around his hip area? Is that normal and what should I do?
Happy New Year Not rated yet
Wishing you, your families and your Schnauzers and other pets a very happy and healthy 2013,
Schnauzerly wishes from linda and Max
Helpful suggestions for my Giant Not rated yet
My Giant has phemibus and had bloat surgery a year ago. She has been a constant bed wetter for about two years. She's a Skansen champion bred dog and I'm …
Bertie's personal hygiene issue!! Not rated yet
I have a six month old miniature schnauzer, Bertie. Why is he constantly washing his willie?
It appears to be perfectly normal and he is not drinking …
Which dog with my schnauzer? Not rated yet
What breed of dog should I adopt that would best get along with my-six-year-old schnauzer? He is a loving dog but very territorial.
Note from Linda …
bouncing miniature schnauzer Not rated yet
Why does my miniature schnauzer bounce on all fours and scratch his hind legs on the floor when he hears people nearby?
Licking my female lab mix Not rated yet
My un-nuetered male Schnoodle, for the last month or so has been licking my spayed black lab mix and generally won't leave her alone. In the past he has …
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