15 yr old female schnauzer with congested heart failure

Can she have vanilla icecream? How often and how much? She has been my very best friend and soulmate since she came to me at 6 wks old. My purpose is to her as hers'has always been to me,100% undying love and devotion!!! To make her as happy and comfortable as I possibly can. No one can ever find the perfect words to describe what she truly means to me and my life, as I'm absolutely positive that she feels that and more for me. Anyway, I really just need know what human foods are ok for her to have ??

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Jul 02, 2017
by: Linda and Max

So sorry to hear that your Schnauzer has heart failure. Sometimes the hardest thing is letting go, but if you feel your dog is in pain -if she is panting or uncomfortable or in pain, then the time has come to say goodbye. You owe her that...her life is in your hands.
In terms of what she can eat. To be honest, at 15 years old with congestive heart failure, it will not make much difference to her. you can give her little treats, such as a tiny bit of ice cream, but too much sugar is not good for her. Avoid chocolate.
15 years ia a very good age for a schnauzer.
All the best to you both.

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