8 year old schnauzer licking paws and has bad breath

My 8 year old female schnauzer is recently licking her paws and lips a lot - especially noticeable at night - sometimes even in her sleep I think! Her breath is pretty bad too and I just don't know why she is doing this? There are no marks or sores on her paws and I brush her teeth weekly. It's a very annoying habit!

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Nov 20, 2015
bad breath can equal infection
by: Anonymous

Usually in humans bad breath is a sign of a sinus infection. I'd get her checked out.

Nov 19, 2015
bad breath
by: Linda and Max

I think you posted twice, see previous comment about allergies.
Also check between her toes for cysts for other skin problems.
Do her teeth and gums look healthy?
Bad breath can be a sign of tooth or gum problems -or just bad breath! Try a daily canine dental stick.

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