by Kaarie
I own a Sheprador (a non-pedigree) and a mini-schnauzer. My shep has her tail but is constantly chewing at it in the summertime due to fleas and has had hair loss problems at times. However, I would never think to dock a pup to eliminate this problem.
My mini has her tail docked. I admit, her breed looks well this way, with her form. If I had a preference, I would prefer a tail for this reason...I never can tell when she is wagging her tail because it is docked so slight at her end! Either way, she's beautiful to me with her heart.
I think all dogs should be shown as nature delivered them, not as some AKC judge decided they should look. Perhaps it is the people that should decide how the judges should look before they set points, and they should conform to our standards. Maybe a bald haircut for every judge?...