Bathing Schnauzer

by Coleman
(New Orleans, LA, USA)

I have a 13 year old miniature schnauzer whose back legs aren't working too well after he suffered a fall a few years ago. His skin is also scabbed up on his back side from itching fleas and what not over the years. How many times a week or a month should we bath him?

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Jul 23, 2018
by: Linda

I wouldn't bathe him every week. A bath in a specially formulated medicated shampoo might help him. Make sure you get the right shampoo, medicated and formulated for dogs. I would start with every 2 weeks. If he is getting distressed by it or if it doesn't seem to be working, then only have him bathed when he is clipped.
It may be that the right topical treatment (ointment) might be more effective on the scabs and help to heal the skin.
Good luck with your old fellah.

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