Blue spots on schnauzer - anyone seen these before?

by Mr. John Villapiano

We have an eleven year old schnauzer. He been to the vet for a heart murmur, and has developed blue spots which the vet cannot explain.
he little dog has a heart murmur, but other than than is in great health.
Has anyone seen this condition?

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Feb 22, 2013
High Protien
by: Phil Medway

Have you got him on a high protein diet?
Sometimes this can lead to a build up of nitrogeon products in the blood causing such spots.
Normally the spots are benign and a change of diet is the answer.
Took my vet 30 seconds to come up with that answer.

Feb 21, 2013
heart murmer
by: bella

Our nine year old has a heart murmer and enlarged
She has been on benazepril 5mg.
twice a day for the last year.
she is fine, goes back for a heart and blood test next month.

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