BusterP Diddy

by Tone

1-Our seven month old black miniature Schnauzer has what appears to be browning in his beard nowhere else on his body. Is this rusting or signs of mixed breading?
2- why do they run around in circles as fast as I can?
Thank you for the info and all the great information your website provides. It’s been a pleasure learning about this amazing pet and friend.

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Dec 30, 2018
Schnauzer Circles
by: Reg & Anne - Bristol Uk

Yep, crazy little dogs and we love them.
Our Maisie, a 5 1/2 year old Mini has a short beard as she WILL try to eat out of flower pots and it goes brown with saliva. She runs in circles when excited about going for a walk or at meal time.
Our daughters 10 year old Mini, Maccy has a long beard but he manages to keep it clean and white and he also runs in circles.
We had both of them with us over Christmas, so you can imagine the chaos and dizzying circles we had from the 2 of them going on at the same time.
Lovely friendly dogs that aren't to small to be played with and not so big as to take over your house! Small with a huge personality.

Dec 29, 2018
Brown colour and circles
by: Linda

The brown colour is not unusual and does not mean Buster is a mixed breed. Often is it saliva stain which makes the black go brown, sometimes it is just a slightly different hair colour.
Who knows why Schnauzers run round in circles as fast as they can? It's in their DNA, they run "Schnauzer Circles" when they are happy or excited!
All the best,

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