Can I breed these two Schnauzers?

by Mel Pajo
(NCR, Philippines)

Miniature Schnauzers
8 years old
Never been used to stud.
3 years old
Bred once but failed. All pups died.
Can I breed above-mentioned MSs?
Appreciate your reply.

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Dec 03, 2020
breeding these 2 dogs
by: Linda

Hi Mel,
I would strongly advise against breeding the female again when all the pups died. you do not say why they died. did they have a genetic illness?
You risk:
a) The female carrying the litter to term and then having the stress for her and the breeder of having all the pups die
b) All or some of the pups live, but potentially carry a life-threatening illness.
I would either NOT breed from her or have her health tested (DNA) to discover if she carries any genetic illnesses first.
Also, The male is old to be first used as a stud. He will not be as fertile as
a)a younger dog. also, have you had him DNA tested for potential genetic illnesses?
b) a dog that has already been used as a stud earlier in life.
Interestingly, a hot climate can also make male dogs less fertile.
so, in short, No. I would not advise it. Breeding good Schnauzers requires a lot of research and health testing to produce beautiful, healthy puppies.
If you are determined to breed, find two dogs that have passed all the tests first and then do your research, or even better, find a mentor.
Kind regards,

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