Can my 4 and a half month old puppy get its tail docked?

by Gino
(saint john nb)

I was wondering if my 4 and a half month old boxer can get his tail docked off still and how much it would cost?

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Feb 24, 2023
To dock - not to dock..
by: Anonymous

I know how you feel about being sad that the tail had been cut badly. I just bought a Yorky that still has a tail and dew claws. I considered showing her but the requirements for her breed is a docked tail. I considered docking now, but she’s 4 months old and I’ve decided not too. I wish breeders would consider breed standards when they have the litters. I did, without a problem.

Feb 23, 2021
Bad tail docking
by: Anonymous

I am in a dilemma about the way my min pins tail was docked. I purchased her from a back yard breeder without checking her out thoroughly enough. We made the deal in the back yard on a very cold day. The pup was shivering with her tiny tail tucked under her. The breeder said he had been breeding min pins for 17 years so it never occurred to me that he would have done a truly miserable job of docking the tail. Of course I fell in love with her on the way home so when I arrived home and got to look her over I saw the nub end of her tail looked like the end of a burnt cigar. I have tried to accept it because obviously I cannot part with her but every time I look at that tail I get upset with the breeder. I am having her ears cropped in April by a vet I have used for all my past pets ears and I would love to have the tail shortened by one notch and the scar cut out. I don't want my dog to suffer but it is just so hard looking at that terrible looking tail. Any one out there ever have this issue?

Nov 06, 2012
For the sake of your puppy.. DON'T
by: Anonymous

If your vet is a good one , he will advise you that at 4 months of age it WILL be VERY PAINFUL for your puppy, at his early age is not advisable, and to put him through the procedure and anaesthetize him maybe because you think he'll look better...
If you do.. the aftercare will be ongoing as if his tail becomes infected you will have a VERY UNHAPPY PUPPY.. I guess nb means Nebraska.. My advice is NO, and your puppy will be happy.. A Happy Tail is a Wagging Tail..
Let him have the NATURAL LOOK, for the puppy's sake..The Anonymous person is TOTALLY correct in his post..

Nov 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

Yes you can still get his tail docked. Keep in mind that you will be removing his tail which is encompassed by bone & tissue. There is blood flowing in his tail.
At his age it is considered an amputation procedure. It is no longer just a simple procedure. Your dog will be placed under the gas, so he can lay motionless while this procedure occurs. Once he comes home, you will be forced to continue to give him pain meds and pray that it does not get infected.
Higher risk of infection because of his age and of course he will lick at it.
Whatever you choose, do the right thing for your dog.

Just to say, if you live in the UK or Europe, the answer is no as tail docking is now banned except for working dogs.

Dec 10, 2011
Docking your 4 month old Boxer's tail
by: Michele

Most definitely NOT as if you wanted a Boxer without a tail. then why did you buy him ??????? with a tail.. In the UK it is illegal.. but also at 4 months to dock his tail will be very traumatic for your puppy and painful after.. Remember a docked tail cannot wag...Don't get it done...he will be happier..

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