concerned about unresponsive new Schnuazer
by Beth
My family just recently got a 10mo. old schnauzer from a breeder. The dog is VERY sweet and has shown NO agressive tendencies twords me or the kids (I have 4) but I think she is very shy.
She follows me everywhere and doesn't want much to do with my husband. He thinks she has been in the 'kennel' for too long and will not change.
Right now we're working on simple commands, house training (using the crate method), leash walking and learning to come to her name. She locks up on the leash (will not walk), will not come to her name outside and doesn't go on command. She is also very "shy" when it comes to playing, she'll barely chase a toy and doesn't seem motivated with food at all.
It's been less than a week but please tell me my husband is wrong. She's good to the kids and I am smitten with her.
I'm hoping this will all start to stick and we can start to enjoy her more.