concerned about unresponsive new Schnuazer

by Beth

My family just recently got a 10mo. old schnauzer from a breeder. The dog is VERY sweet and has shown NO agressive tendencies twords me or the kids (I have 4) but I think she is very shy.
She follows me everywhere and doesn't want much to do with my husband. He thinks she has been in the 'kennel' for too long and will not change.
Right now we're working on simple commands, house training (using the crate method), leash walking and learning to come to her name. She locks up on the leash (will not walk), will not come to her name outside and doesn't go on command. She is also very "shy" when it comes to playing, she'll barely chase a toy and doesn't seem motivated with food at all.
It's been less than a week but please tell me my husband is wrong. She's good to the kids and I am smitten with her.
I'm hoping this will all start to stick and we can start to enjoy her more.

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Jan 30, 2012
Now a Responsive Schnauzer...
by: Michele

I am so sorry I made a mistake with Her sex.. I thought Olive was a male.. so sorry.....

Jan 30, 2012
Now a Responsive Schnauzer...
by: Michele

I am so happy for you, Beth, that Olive is enjoying his new family.. and trusting you all.. we said Be Patient and Persevere and your hard work will be rewarded.. and it seems to be Big Time... the more walks he goes on with you all the more he'll enjoy his new lease of life..
Schnauzers are the most wonderful dogs and love company.. how are you getting on with his feeding and are you keeping to a routine..? My boys know when it is tea-time as they parade up and down.. I keep their food in a cupboard and every day when they know it is the time for tea.. to they go to the cupboard and then back to me as if to say " Come on Mum it's time for our tea.. ".. I NEVER win as far a their food in concerned !!!!

Jan 30, 2012
by: Beth

Thank you for the tips and support! I am happy to report that Olive (thats what we named her) is doing great! We're still working on stuff but she is doing better about coming when called and leash walking (she finally realizes there's enjoyment in going for walks). She is still doing great with the kids and is warming up to my husband a little more each day!!!
I couldn't be happier. I love having such a sweet natured dog for our family!

Jan 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

Dont give up on your new pup! Schnauzers are family dogs and the following you around is common! Remember she is a puppy and they (all breeds) take time! Just be patient and work with your puppy! I PROMISE it will pay off in the end! They are the most loving dogs!!! I have a 5 yr old rescue mini and he doesnt like toys and the vet said some dogs just dont like them. It took some training but I couldnt ask for a better dog! Good luck! DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!

Jan 25, 2012
You have a scared little puppy
by: Betsy, alpharetta, ga

It sounds as if you have gotten a very wonderful little MS who has a an unfortunate first 10 months.

She was probably never trained at all and, as Michele said, may have just been left in a crate most of the time. You must be patient with her and treat her as if you had gotten a very little puppy who requires all the necessary trainings.
Her sweet, rather timid personality should make her a very wonderful dog after she has had chance to learn and socialize. She is probably very scared as everything is so unfamiliar to her.

As far as you husband is concerned, I would suggest he be the one to feed her. When my husband and I adopted our MS some years ago, she was very scared of men. We believe she had been abused as well as left in a crate for many hours at a time and not fed on a regular basis.
The vet suggested that my husband give her all her food and, also, to sit down next to her while he read the newspaper or watched a ballgame To make a long story short, she now owns our hearts. And, now, something scares her it is my husband who she runs to.
Give it time and use patience.

Jan 25, 2012
Unresponsive Schnauzer
by: Michele

Don't worry.. as you say she has probably not had much contact with people or love from the breeder, as she could possibly have been kennelled.. Schnauzers do not like been kennelled as they are very sociable and love being around people and children..Also she may never have had contact with men and this could be the cause of her ignoring your husband... 10 months is rather late to get your Schnauzer.. I wonder, was she kept for breeding purposes, then the breeder finding that she was not suitable, put her up for sale.. !! Try tempting her with food.. cooked chicken usually goes down a treat, and let her eat when you eat.. play with her on the floor ..give her a treat when she does it right... as for her walks, she has probably never had a collar nor a lead on her.. I suggest you buy a Harness and a long lead at your pet shop, but take her along so it fits well and not too tight.. Be Patient, Be Calm,, don't be cross with her if she does something wrong, just look at her and say No... she will get the message .. Schnauzers are very intelligent.. some may say that it's only a dog, but she is your pet and part of your family.. let your children play with her gently, and calmly, not roughly... You will be rewarded .. and she will come to know that she is with you and a family that love her... forever... and she will love you back

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