Considering a Mini Schnauzer for the family

by Jeff
(Albuquerque, NM, USA)

My family and I are considering a Mini Schnauzer, however have a few questions. We want a dog that is sturdy enough to be left outside during the day while we are at work. We have a huge, walled/fenced backyard with grass and trees. I plan on having a very nice dog house built for her. We live in a climate that is hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Are Mini Schnauzers ok with this setup? Also, one of my biggest pet peeves is dog that bark and bark at every little thing, how do Mini Schnauzers fare? Thanks so much!

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Aug 24, 2014
Considering a breed of dog
by: Anonymous

I agree that Schnauzers are not the breed of dog for you. Schnauzers need company and love to bark at everything. Also you should be getting two dogs if you are leaving your dog alone all day every day.

Aug 24, 2014
by: Anonymous

Thank you for posting this because this is the exact thing my family were wondering! We chose schnauzers due to a relation being allergic to dogs but not to schnauzers. We are still looking for a dog, any suggestions are muchly appreciated.

Aug 23, 2014
Mini is not for you, Jeff
by: Linda

Hi Jeff,
I'm afraid that the mini schnauzer is not the breed you are seeking, as they cannot be kept outdoors.
Also, some of them can bark quite a lot.
I think you need a more robust breed of dog and one which is not so dependent on huiman company as all three types of schnuazer are.
Have you thought about a farm dog/cattle dog?
Also, you might find that 2 dogs did better together if they were going to be alone all day.
Good luck in your hunt.

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