Dog getting up in night

by Denise

How can I break my mini schnauzer from getting up several times at night wanting to go outside while I am trying to sleep? I have tried putting her in a crate and after a few hours (about 1:30 am) she starts barking.
I have a "shock collar" for her but evidently she is not barking loud enough and it doesn't go off.

Please HELP! I am sleep deprived!

Thank you,

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Jan 08, 2015
getting up
by: Linda

Hi Denise,
A shock collar is not the answer. I suggest you take her out for aq wee last thing at night and move her crate out of your bedroom into another room.
She knows when she demands you attention you give it, you have to break the cycle.
Unlesws she has a medical condition, she should be able to go all night if you get up early to let her out.

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