dog scratches a lot

by Letha Luks
(Clinton Twp. MI 48035)

He is a white mini schnauzer, 23 lbs., 6 yrs old. What can I do to help him?

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Jan 28, 2015
We had same problem
by: Rushingbrooke

Vet recommended Malaseb shampoo and we had a very good quick result. We did have the vet carry out allergy tests, so we know what to avoid. I have also taken wheat biscuits out of diet. Good luck.

Dec 30, 2014
Scratching a lot..
by: Michele ( Benji, Rebel & Rambo

Linda is right he could have Skin Allergies.. but also he could have Fleas.. I suggest you take him to your vet and have a Skin Scrape test..
If you don't use a Flea and Tick treatment every 6 to 8 weeks, the scratching might be caused by fleas irritating him.. At least he is white.. !!.. FRONTLINE COMBO.. is what I use, here in my country.. UK, for my boys.. Rambo ( my Australian Silky ) and Rebel & Benji ( my two mini-schnauzers ) do not scratch at all.. I used to use Frontline, but that is not effective any more as my vet tells me, and he does know…
...FRONTLINE COMBO can only be bought on Prescription from your Vet, not on-line unless you have a Prescription.. hope this helps..

Dec 29, 2014
by: Linda and Max

This is not unusual with Mini Schnauzers, many of them have skin issues.
Try adding Omega 3 oils to his feed once a day and wash his feet after he has been on grass.
Are you feeding him a quality food?
If he continues, visit your vet, he may well have sensitivities or allergies.

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