
by Emily
(El Paso, Texas)

I have a 2 year old female schnauzer. She's a great dog and we've been wanting to get another schnauzer for us and for her. It so happens that we found a four year male and female and they are both up for adoption. They grew up together and they would prefer to keep them together and I completely agree with that. I would like any thoughts or opinions on taking on two more schnauzers.

You would need to try them all together before committing. The other two will have strong bonds to each other and it is a question of how they will get on with yours.
We would take them on a trial before agreeing to have them permanently, just to make sure they are OK with your girl.

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Sep 09, 2013
Thanks again
by: egallegos

I really appreciate everyone's words of encouragement. The three are getting along. The two new additions have a close bond so when the male begins to play with our dog, the female quickly interrupts the play and the male will stop. I know she's probably used to having him all to herself. My dog will, however, continue to try and play with both of them and sometimes it's just a hit or a miss. They are all very sweet and they just have to get used to having a third partner in crime. We are now on week two and I'll keep you posted.
That's great news. Any photos of the three of them together?

Sep 03, 2013
Thank you
by: egallegos

We just brought the two schnauzers home on Saturday and one of them has separation anxiety which is to be expected. They seem to be getting along ok but have not engaged a whole lot with our girl. I know its too early to tell and we are being patient given their circumstances. We have them for a two week trial period so we'll see how it goes!

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Let us nknow the outcome, there are a lot of people interested in how they all get on.
Thank you and good luck

Sep 03, 2013
Go for it!
by: Mandy

If you have the time and resources please please adopt both of them. I had 2 minis and sadly one died last year leaving the other lost and lonely..... Found him a friend another adult dog and yes, we had the odd spat, but they are now inseparable.
Good luck xx

Aug 28, 2013
Another two schnauzers
by: Anonymous

Yes I agree that the two will have a strong bond, but taking them on, keeping them together is a fabulous thing to do! Everything takes time and you will reap the delights and joy of the three Schnauzers! You should meet on neutral ground to see how they all get on.

How lucky you are to get this opportunity and do a lovely deed. We rescued two brothers along with our Skye Terrier and to begin with it was all the dogs finding out their own level. We had to intervene at times but seven weeks down the line and they are getting to be good friends! GO FOR IT !!!

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