entice my mini to pee in the yard

by randi
(Queens, ny)

hi my 3 year old mini schnauzer is trained. i got her at 1 years old. she asks to go out (in the neighborhood) and also pees on a pad- same spot (in the house) if she needs to go... but i walk her in the neighborhood often.

i want her to pee in the yard - its a small concrete patio
she smells, looks, walks... i tried a leash. she smells walks and nothing...
what might entice her to go? she is trainable my concern is that but i dont have hours to wait... thanks!

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May 31, 2016
in the yard
by: Linda and Max

Sounds like she is well trained :)
Dogs are very tactile with their paws, which means they like something soft to pee on, such as a pad or a nice piece of grass, not too deep.
If you can make a little area with a nice surface for her - sometimes small gravel pieces will work, like a litter tray for a cat, I am sure she will oblige.
The other thing is to get her to pee on command -so when she goes outside or on the pad, then say PEE or GO POTTY! and praise her for going and give her a small treat (even though she was peeing anyway). This will make is easier to train her to go in the yard -Max picked it up in a week wigh the help of some treats.

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