feeding a fully grown mini schnauzaer

by Meg

how many cups of food should i feed my full grown miniature schnauzer that weighs 22 pounds?

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Mar 03, 2012
what type of food?
by: Betsy, alpharetta, ga

You did not mention what you are currently feeding. All dry/ some wet mixed in/ or other combinations?

Our MS is 19#. When Spiffy was on a meal of 100% dry food she received 1/2cup , 2 times a day. (1 cup per day total). Usually, the food manufacture has a website that has lots of information regarding feeding, quantities, ingredients, etc.

Also, I'm sure you know that MS breed is more prone to some health problems including those of the pancreas. When choosing foods, it is important to be aware of these issues. For example,% of fat content should be less than the requirements of most breeds (for a MS- 13% or under).

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