Forever home with endless love, Hants/Surrey 14.07.18

by Jane
(Hampshire )

At the beginning of June this year, it broke my heart to say goodbye to my darling BellaBoo forever.
She was a rescue breeding bitch who I had for 6 years since 2012 I loved her to pieces and we went everywhere together.
My life is so empty without my Miniature Schnauzer. I so miss the trips and the walks, socialising with fellow dog walkers, making new friends.
So if you know of a Miniature Schnauzer who needs a forever home complete with unconditional love and support, then I very much hope that you would consider me.
I live in Hampshire, quite close to the Surrey border, Jane

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Jul 15, 2018
sorry to hear of your loss
by: Linda

So sorry to hear of Bellaboo's passing. Sounds like she had 6 wonderful years with you, well done for rescuing her and giving her a good life. Hopefully somebody who wants to rehome a Schnauzer in your area will contact you.
Good luck.

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