Forgot how to get on the bed

by Mary Darnell
(Pataskala, Ohio)

Soffee is nine years old and has forgotten how to get on my bed to go to sleep at night. She acts like see is getting ready to jump up but, then stops like she has forgotten how to jump up. I'm worried something is wrong she is my emotional support animal. She never cries like is is in pain. I give her a mesage very week and there is no sign of pain.

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Mar 24, 2016
doggie steps
by: Anonymous

Our old boy did this when his joints became stiff and sore. We bought some doggie steps off the internet abd he kept going for a few years yet.

Mar 13, 2016
by: Betty

Yes, our girl will do that when her lower back and back legs are bothering her. She now will bark or pout when she wants on the bed or sofa and can't get up there herself. Then she will wait for someone to lift her up.

Mar 13, 2016
Not forgotten
by: Linda and max

Soffee has not forgotten, the high probability is that her joints are bothering her.
Lift her on and off the bed and add a joint supplement or Omega three oil to her feeds.j

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