
by Gayle
(Danville, VA)

My 7 year old Schnauzer was able to get into a bag of chocolate candy three days ago. He vomited quite a bit but no diarrhea, just the usual pooping once, maybe twice a day, and that appeared normal. However, he has been drinking water excessively since then. Is this normal? I called his vet and was told that he may have lots of vomiting and diarrhea, but that he should be okay, and to give him bread to eat as that would absorb the chocolate. He has always like his water, but since getting into the candy, he has been drinking lots more, and I just want to make sure nothing is going on.

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Dec 06, 2015
What Sort Of Vet?
by: Anonymous

Eating bread will not absorb Chocolate! I cannot believe that a vet said this, if so, you need a new vet!! The gut absorbs the Chocolate and the bread. Chocolate does not come out the other end, neither does the bread with the Chocolate!

Dec 06, 2015
by: Linda and max

Chocolate is poisonous to dogs, but it's good that he vomited to get rid of it. Keep a close eye on him and if he keeps drinking a few days later, I would get him checked out. Hopefully he will be ok.

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