gets scared and stares around room

by kyle
(castro valley ca)

Mine just started getting scared at night right before bed in the bedroom and shakes and stares around the room. She's 5 and just started this.

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: It sounds like it could be behavioural. Make her a soft bed like a nest, put a blanket or something else over her so she is covered, or her head is hidden. See if this helps. Sometimes Minis are like Terriers, they need to feel secure and hidden. Let us know how you get on.

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Jul 07, 2014
To Sherri & Buster
by: Michele

OMG.. your Buster seems to weigh an awful lot.. but as far as him squeezing himself under you furniture and especially when your kids keep ringing your bell .. that's not funny even though they think it is.. SOUNDS & NOISE for or dogs are 10 TIMES MORE Loud than for us, so I'm not surprised he goes under your Dresser.. I suggest you tell your kids to stop ringing your door bell just because they like to watch Buster go under and out.. For Buster, it is frightening and you are probably creating a very serious Behaviour problem.. What if when you are out walking and he hears a similar sound.. Having experienced the running away at home he will probably do the same when out in a public place.. Block up the places where he goes under and discipline your kids.. to have respect for Buster..

Jun 30, 2014
schnoodle part mouse ?
by: Sherri

Buster is a schnoodle I've had since he was 6 mos. old and he's 3 now. He's always slept in our bed with us until just recently. He started going under our bed or dresser to sleep. We couldn't figure out how, our furniture is wood carved,most of it just about touches the floor except for the pretty,swirl cut out design at each end. Buster actually has to smash his body flat against the floor,turn his head sideways flat against the floor and drag himself under thru the cut out by his front two paws while his back legs stay spread flat on the floor! It's like watching a mouse fit under a door! He's pretty fast at coming & going if he needs to, the kids ring the door bell just to watch him in high speed action!

Jun 11, 2014
Your scared Baby..
by: Michele

Linda and Max are right .. when something frightens Rambo, at night, my 11 year old Australian Silky terrier, he goes into his fabric pet carrier which is by the side of my bed, and feels safe and warm… this usually happens when an approaching storm is coming, even though I have no idea.. Rebel age 6 and Benji, age 2, my minis, don't have a problem. You can try leaving a night light on for you Baby as this may comfort your her, too.. maybe before you got your baby, when she was at your breeder's something frightened her, and she remembers.. Good luck and hope all's well ..

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