A Giant Schnauzer Rescue
- and a Million-to-One Coincidence!
Here is a great giant schnauzer rescue story from Julie in Phoenix, Arizona.
It's such an amazing shaggy dog tale, you almost wouldn't believe it could happen!
Julie has her hands pretty full with a family along with four giants and a mini schnauzer! She somehow also manages to find the time to help with Valley of the Sun Giant Schnauzer Rescue.
Here is her amazing story -
"A few weeks ago a male giant schnauzer was scheduled to be euthanized through no fault of his own. He had been dumped in the nearest pound in Northwest Indiana and had been there for some time.
Being an older big black dog, no one had offered him a new chance at life. Through the efforts of many people, Valley of the Sun Giant Schnauzer Rescue was able to get him sprung.
A volunteer drove from the Chicago area to the shelter and got him out on his 8th birthday. What a gift that was!
She drove him to the near northside of Chicago to his foster home. His fosters frequently took him and his foster four legged giant schnauzer sister to the park for walks.
My youngest brother lives in Chicago which is the third largest city in the US and has 9 1/2 million people. I add that for emphasis to how small this world of ours really is.
My brother runs on the weekends to keep in training for marathons that he sometimes runs. He was on a five mile run a few weekends ago and as he neared the half-way point in his run, a large black dog barked at him.
He wondered if it might be a giant schnauzer but didn't check to find out. He turned to head back home and by now the big black dog and his human were directly in his path. So he stopped to chat and ask if this dog was indeed a giant schnauzer. The human replied that is was.
My brother told the human that his sister does giant schnauzer rescue in Phonenix, AZ. The human of the big black dog asked if her name was Julie.

A slightly stunned brother replied that it was!! He then learned that the big black dog that had barked at him was Ceasar that he already knew about from my emails. He met Ceasar and then proceeded on his way home. But he did stop to send an email that said, "I just met Ceasar!"
Ceasar will shortly travel across the country to his new home with another giant and loving family.
It is indeed a very small world! This is Ceasar after his grooming today. He is gorgeous!"
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