grooming and matting

by Beth

I have a 3 year old mini schnauzer and every time I have her groomed (which is often!!) my groomer complains of matting.
I had a schnauzer previously for 9 years and we never had groomer issues.
They claim that her hair is too fine and they keep trimming to the extent of almost no skirting! Her legs are kept so short and were completely shaved 3 times last year!! I'm frustrated!
Is this a breed thing or a groomer thing?

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Sep 07, 2014
by: Linda

Max's beard and legs are matted eveery time we take him - which is about once every 8 weeks!
Our groomer is great, she chops off the bits she can't clean, so consequently his beard and "feathers" on his legs aren't the longest.
Max also got his legs shaved and he looked like a saussage on sticks when he came back. I would ask your groomer to keep his legs longer - and the other bits if you like that (we abandonned the skits as it kept getting muddy).
If she can't do that, I'd change groomer

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