Heartbroken after sudden death of Molly today

by Tara
(Northern Ireland)



My dog developed a hernea when she was a pup. Today I took her to the vets for a small operation to get it removed.
Molly was only 6 months old but to my sadness she took a heart attack and died after the operation.
Can you answer me any questions to why this might have happened as I am heart broken :(((

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Oct 13, 2019
by: Linda

So sorry to hear of Jazmine’s passing. Schnauzers stay in our hearts forever and I am sure you have lots of happy memories of her. She was lucky to have such a loving owner.

Oct 12, 2019
Loss of a furbaby.
by: Felicia

Yesterdat October 11 2019, i lost one of my furbabies. Jazmine was my first Min. Schnauzer who passed at the age of 12. I miss her so much and her siblings Marley and Milo miss her. The vet stated she died of cardiac arrest. I'm at a loss of words. I am having her cremated and i told her how much i love and miss her as she passed onto the Rainbow Bridge. Just keep looking for herbut i know she is in a better place. Thank you for allowing to grieve.

Jun 06, 2012
A NEW puppy mini schnauzer..
by: Michele

You must be so relieved, to know that it was a heart defect and not the vet's fault.. but as you say it's better she went that way instead of suffering and you having to put her to sleep... Make sure you do have your new mini schnauzer puppy checked out FULLY.. including the eyes as when you buy your mini, there should be an Eye Certificate and a Pedigree to say that ALL is well and NO Health problems in any of her generation...I get my new puppy on the 14th and my breeder brings the Eye Certificate and his Pedigree with her.. my Benji is also microchipped..
A rescue is OK but do try to find out what went wrong and why he is a rescue, and if there have been any health problems, after all you don't want to go through that again.. A puppy is best .....
Let's know how you get on, and post a photo of your new schnauzer when you get him/her..
Well Done for making the right decision...

Jun 05, 2012
I got my answer to Molly's problem
by: Anonymous

The day after she died, the vet decided to open Molly up and to our shock she had a bad heart :( 2 of her valves were bigger than the other 2 so she would have only lived to max a year and a half, she was 6 months old at her time of death but we were informed that if she was now still alive she would start getting weaker and weaker :( and in the end would have had to have been put down.
I was sad to hear that but sort of relieved she didn't have to suffer. After a tough week I've decided to look for another miniature schnauzer, but this time I'm going to get it checked through.
R.I.P little Molly

May 31, 2012
Rainbow Bridge
by: Anonymous

Go to rainbow bridge.com

May 31, 2012
by: Michele

I am so sorry that you have lost Molly.. but it is possible that your vet did not test her heart before the operation, as she may have had a defect, causing the heart attack, and combined with the anaesthetic she possibly was allergic to the contents.. as this does happen.. maybe your vet overdosed her, as he should have weighed her before and given her a pre-med.. trauma could also have been a party to the operation before it was carried out... causing her heart rate to go up.. but do go to Rainbow Bridge and read my Story, as I too have had to say goodbye to both my schnauzers Rebel 1 in 2005 age 11 and Ringo in 2010 age 15.. reading the Rainbow Bridge poem will comfort you.. but you will cry . I do every time I read it.. Your Molly is now at peace and running around with all the others.. think of her as fully recovered and watching you...and waiting for you one day to join her... never to be parted ...

May 31, 2012
R.I.P. Molly
by: Natasha

I'm so sorry for your loss. That must be devistating for you. My condolances to you. Unfortunately I don't know what would cause your Molly to die after the operation. Did your vet offer any explanations?
I'm truly sorry about Molly and offer you my deepest sympathies.

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