HELP!! My Mini Schnauzer barks wildly at strangers and friends

by Dan
(Chicago, IL)

Hello.. we have an almost 4 yr old male mini schnauzer that is creating tension between my wife and I.
When our son has his friends over, he'll bark excessively when they arrive. When he does settle down, he may even sit with his friends. If they move suddenly, he gets agitated and will begin barking at them. One time he went so far as to bite one of his friends which has caused a rift between the friend and my son.
He did not break skin but I took this very very very seriously. It's to the point everyones labeled him as mean and stupid and it bothers me because he is a great companion and I dont believe for a second he's dumb..just misunderstood.. that and given the fact we never took him in for formal training.
Also, if he's in the backyard, and our neighbor decides to do some yardwork.. oh my god he will go nuts at them. It's a wonder someone hasn't thrown something at him because it is loud and annoying.
What can I do to try to curb this behavior? I've already called into some pet care places for dog training and will definitely look into this but what can I do for him between now and then? I feel bad for him.. I know he's a good dog, but enough is enough. I have to do something to correct this asap. Any input is greatly appreciated

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Dec 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

WOW! I thought I had the only schnauzer that bites everyone! HELP! I will try NILIF but he is 6yrs old now. My boyfriend broke up with me because he bit him and I guess I wasn't sympathetic enough. :(

Apr 11, 2012
The only thing that works with mine
by: Anonymous

We have a 4 year old and the only thing that will stop him barking is a spray pet corrector. The spray collars dont seem to work. If you over use it they will soon override it, but if you treat one behavioural issue at a time it seems to work. For example every time someone comes to visit, and he barks I spray a quick sharp spray of the pet corrector. He then knows that he shouldn't act that way. It doesn't stop the barking totally, but it snaps him out of it. Sometimes all I have to do is show him the can and he behaves himself. They are quite expensive for what is effectively just water vapour in a spray can, but it has worked for us.

I think if you have a schnauzer you will never totally stop the barking, but even if you can reduce it it makes life that bit easier.

Feb 12, 2012
same problem with barking and biting schnauzer
by: Anonymous

Our Mini schnauzer is 5 years old and hates people riding bikes or motorcycles. He has bitten one person that came in our house and would bite others if we do not lock him in a room or hold him on a leash. He is a great family pet and for people he knows, he is fine. He just doesn't like strangers no mater where we are with him. Walking him on a leash, he just barks and barks at people we see while we are walking.

Aug 25, 2011
Barking at Strangers
by: Anonymous

Does the vibrating collars work or does it have to be the citronella one?

May 30, 2011
Try a Spray Collar
by: Anonymous

You can maybe try using a battery-powered sound-activated spray collar that jets out citronella whenever they make a barking sound. As much as I've read it's not harmful – they just dislike the smell. More than anything, it scares the **** out of them. Stopped our Schnauz from barking within about a week. Now, when she yaps, we just reach for the collar and show it to her and she quiets right down.

May 08, 2011
I don't believe.....
by: Anonymous

any training can stop this behavior. I've had our 7 year old for 1 year now and we had Bark Busters for months on end. Nothing has worked. Good Luck to Everyone, I'm looking for a foster home for him.

Mar 23, 2011
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue with mine (same age) but now he has bitten about 5-6 times! Please share what advice you are given!

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