how do I get my minuture schnauzer to obey and come, and not run away?

How can I get my minuature schnauzer from not running, when I tell it to stop, and to obey instead of not listening?

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Feb 23, 2012
never get angry at him
by: ellen

Call him, and when he does come to you and always praise him then, praise him and praise him again and always in a happy, upbeat way...touch him, pet him, greet him exuberantly and make a big deal out of the fact that he came to you. The praise will be part of his reward for coming to you as will a tiny treat..He will then eventually "want" to come to you and in time you won't have to give him a treat-reward,just here and there but you will always have to tell him how proud you are of him. Never call him in an angry manner for it defeats all your effort. Aside from that, when outside I always have my dogs on the leash, except in our fenced in backyard. She runs free in our park, far from traffic and danger.

Feb 23, 2012
Running away on command to stop !
by: Michele

He is probably enjoying himself, and think it's a game.. but you must persevere otherwise he could end up under a car.. take him to Training Classes or better still have him on a very long lead attached to a harness as then he won't choke if he runs in the opposite direction.. when he does come to you when you call him.. in a squeaky voice, give him his favourite treat, repeat this, but do not give him a treat or speak to him in a squeaky voice when he does not come to you. He will get the message and think..." Hey I get a treat when mum calls me and I go to her, but when I'm disobedient I get no treat " .. he will realise that treats are better than running away.. train him in your garden or a SECURE place... Schnauzers are a very intelligent breed and pick up quickly.. Good Luck..

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