how long can you leave schnauzers home alone?

by Holly Vince

how long can you leave schnauzers home alone in the garden as long as they have suitable shelter and warm bedding, along with a secure garden?
thank you

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Generally schnauzers do not like being left alone, they are people dogs. Don't think of getting one if you are out at work all day, as they will be very lonely. If you have to leave your dog, a maximum of four hours in one day is what the rescue organisations go by.

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May 31, 2014
Don't get a Schnauzer..
by: Michele

Do not even CONSIDER getting a Schnauzer if you are at work all day as Schnauzers DO NOT like being kennelled outside..even if you are thinking of letting him roam your garden.. As Linda says they are People dogs and he will suffer and get depressed and be very unhappy indeed. Schnauzers love company and love to be near their owners NOT OUTSIDE in a shelter.. the maximum you can leave him would be 3 to 4 hours but definitely no longer, but inside.. As I said DO NOT GET a SCHNAUZER.. it would not be advisable at all.. A German Shepherd would be more suitable as they don't mind living outside, in fact they thrive on it as we had one and he hated being in the house, but loved us all.. he lived till the ripe old age of 15..

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