Injured Neck

by Betty
(Moore, Oklahoma)

Our 4 yr old mini-Ms. Jasmine woke us up Sunday morning whimpering, whining and crying. If she or we attempted to move her she yelped in pain. After checking her over, finding nothing wrong and consoling her, she slept for a few more hours. Later when she showed no signs of improvement we took her to the vet hospital. When we first got there she ran around like nothing was wrong, but after having to wait her adrenaline faded and she was in pain again. After 2 hours at the hospital, xrays and blood work they could find nothing wrong.

The next morning she was still in pain and barely moving so I took her to her regular vet. He was glad to have the xrays and blood work to verify there were no issues there. He manipulated her neck and determined that she had a strained neck muscle. (she whimpered when he moved her neck downward, she didn't do that the day before. We are unsure how this occurred as we were with her the entire 24 hours prior to her waking up in pain. The vet said it may have been from her jumping off our bed or off the couch. Never thought something like that would injure her neck, her hip maybe but not her neck.

Anyone else have a similar experience?

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Jul 31, 2015
our dog
by: Izzy

one of our dogs had a problem with his legs which we think was due to him jumping out the car or something similar. He appeared to be limp , laid quietly but recovered after a while and been well ever since! We just make sure when he jumps in/out of the car- he loves going out in the car (whereas our other dog not so keen)

worrying time

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Hi Izzy, have you thought of a dog ramp to get yours in and out of the car?

Jul 31, 2015
strange one
by: Linda and Max

No, Betty, we've never had this one, but after all the tests are negative, it does sound like a muscle strain, which is a huge relief (if expensive!).
She might have just slept funny, it happens to humans too.
Anyway, glad it wasn't anything more serious.
Schnauzerley wishes,
Linda and Max

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