
by Laura
(Glasgow )

My beautiful baby boy zak went over the rainbow on Friday the 25 November 2016 he was 11 but still my baby he did have pancreatitis but with the wonderful help of everyone on the miniature schnauzer site got him through that out of the blue he started fitting on the Thursday night got him to vet but sadly Friday lunch time they could not get him stable so had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him go over the rainbow sleep safely my sweet boy will always love u xxx

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Nov 29, 2016
thinking of you
by: Izzy

sorry to hear about Zak - I have two minis and must be difficult having to make such decisions which are in the best interest of the dog but not easy

thinking of you

Nov 29, 2016
so sorry
by: Linda and Max

So sorry to hear of Zak's passing.
Always a difficult decision what to do at the end, but you did the right thing for Zak. He is not suffering, he is at peace now.

Remember all the wonderful times you had with Zak and the things that made you laugh.
With our condolences, Linda and Max

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