Looking for a schnoodle play mate in London

We used this forum to rescue our wonderful schnoodle last November and he's done SO well. Now we want a little play mate for him, he's affectionate, funny and very smart.
We have a large open plan bungalow and garden perfect for a dog. We live two roads behind Trent Park in Herts and we love walking there. I work from home and rarely have to leave Paddy by himself. Lots of love and fun to be had
Please email or message tara.jasminsura@gmail.com or 07960761640

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Jul 21, 2016
rescue sites
by: izzy

Hi try looking at many tears dog rescue www.manytearsrescue.org and search under breed on dogs looking for homes. They have some minis looking for homes- some can be re homed on their own others need a resident dog to support them so your dog might be able to support another one who has not had the best start in life

good luck in your search for a play mate

I have two dogs and it is nice they have a doggy mate.

Jul 20, 2016
by: Anonymous


Jul 20, 2016
by: Linda and Max

so please to hear things turned out well for Paddy :)
good luck in your search for a playmate.

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