Lovely calm home still available for a schnauzer In need 11th July 24

by Madi hunn

Here we are still looking to rescue as that's in our nature, husband and wife in Devon still able to offer a home for a schnauzer. Many walks on Dartmoor available and a log burner to keep snuggly with. Must be able to enjoy car rides and be around older children every now and then.

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Jul 11, 2024
My work mobile
by: Anonymous

My email address is

Jul 11, 2024
good luck!
by: Linda

Hi Madi,
Can you add your email address to a comment here so people know how to contact you (we don't have it).

I also suggest you contact Pamela Ciceri. She has rescue contacts throughout GB and helps to match dogs and homes all over the country.
Good luck,

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