Male miniature schnauzer acting strange with baby

by Mike
(hugo, mn usa)

I have an adult male miniature schnauzer. he's 8 years old and I've had him since he was a pup. Recently my wife had our first baby who is now 8 months old. Our dog has become very protective over us and is acting like he is going to bite the baby. We love our dog but can't have him biting the kid. any suggestions would really be helpful.
Thank you

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Feb 28, 2012
Acting strange
by: Michele

Probably it is jealousy.. as he is feeling left out.. you must show him that he too is important to your household.. if necessary, get a gate and divide your room, but show him that you care and that he too is part of your family.. otherwise you WILL have a problem.. when your 8 month old baby is separated from your dog.. .. take a big doll.. go to your dog and let your dog see that there is no jealousy whilst you have the doll in your arms.. gradually he will learn to accept the new addition to your family.. well he should..this will take time and patience.. but never ever leave your schnauzer and the baby together in the same room.. when you take the baby out in the push chair ..take your dog along too and that way he will also know that when baby goes out he does too..

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