Mini schnauzer and blood

My Clifford was fine in the morning when I came back from errands he acted weird went outside and when me in I picked up and loved him I got I drop of blood on my finger from his butt. He ate some supper a little he went out and came in I checked his butt and wiped and got blood and later on he threw up and it was his supper. It is like he is trying to poop I went to see were he was and nothing but maybe little bloody mucus. Drinks a little water. Will take a bite of whatever but that is it. Could he be constipated ? His tummy talks big time like upset ! He is 13yrs.

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Jul 27, 2015
Blood in his poo
by: Michele

You must take Clifftops to your vet immediately as this is probably very serious and if you don't you may lose him
due to you waiting. Please for Clifford's sake Get Him To Your Vet. Being 13 this is absolutely essential.

Jul 26, 2015
by: Linda and Max

I would get him checked out by a vet straight away. Good luck.

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