Miniasture schnauzer chewing his legs

by Linda
(United Kingdom)

My 9 month old miniature Schnauzer has started to bite and chew the fur on his legs he's not quite bald (yet) but it doesn't look good, is there a spray I could use, someone told me bitter apple spray may work, is this safe to use?

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Apr 29, 2012
biting at fur
by: 2schnauzermom

your dog may have an allergy to it's food. My dog was doing that and switched from a food that was mostly grain (even though chicken was first ingredient) all of the other ingredients that followed chicken added up to wipe out the first ingredient. Switched to Blue Buffalo and she stopped chewing on her skin and the sore went away. Sure, the food it more expensive but my dogs health is priceless and no creams or vet visits for this problem

Apr 15, 2012
Chewing Paws
by: Anonymous

If drinking more water is an additional symptom, get a test for diabetes. My brother had this issue with his schnauzer. It was diagnoised as an allergy for years and eventually diagnosed as diabetes. Common for the breed.

Apr 15, 2012
Chewing Paws
by: Anonymous

If drinking more water is an additional symptom, get a test for diabetes. My brother had this issue with his schnauzer. It was diagnoised as an allergy for years and eventually diag as diabetes. Common for the breed.

Mar 05, 2012
could be allergies
by: Jen

I agree with Betsy, it sounds like your schnauzer may have allergies, like mine.
Mine chews his paws and nibbles at his legs. I'd take him to the vet and get him on some tablets or cream.
My mini schnauzer hasn't stopped completely, but he is a lot better than he used to be. He is on Piriton tablets for hay fever!

Mar 05, 2012
Itchy skin
by: Anonymous

Best you take your little guy to the vet, to see what's bothering him about that leg. It could be that he has itchy skin due to allergy or may it hurts him there

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