Miniature Schnauzer stomach mass..

by Robin
(East Aurora, NY )

My 12 year old Miniature Schnauzer was just diagnosed with a mass in her stomach..she has had absolutely no signs of this..eats good, drinks water,loves her treats, plays like she's five. It was found when I took her in for an incontinence problem in her sleep, which has been corrected by putting her on Proin 25mg. She is going for an ultrasound next week and then I'll find out about surgery. I am heartbroken because she is so full of life. I'm hoping surgery will take care of this and I'll have many more years with my Molly..has anyone been through this with their Miniature Schnauzer?

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Feb 04, 2021
Mini Schnauzer Stomach Mass
by: Anonymous

Our previous Schnauzer had a non-cancerous tumour on his spleen which was removed. It was very large and after this, he was like a young puppy. Sadly he died later of cancer but we did get another two years with him.
Best wishes, always a very difficult decision to make.
NOTE FROM LINDA: Yes it is indeed - best of luck to you. Every year is precious.

Feb 04, 2021
by: Linda

Dear Robin,
So sorry to hear of Molly's diagnosis. It is devastating news for you.
It is very good news that she is eating and still full of life.
You'll find out more with the ultrasound. But we would just give a note of caution. Vets will say they can operate and all will be well - if that is the case, then wonderful.
However, she is 12 years old and Schnauzers don't live for ever. When the time comes, please think about letting Molly pass peacefully without lots of trips to the vets for various procedures.
We had this difficult decision with Max at the end. We had him put to sleep at 13. Of course, some Schnauzers live longer, it's whatever is the right thing for Molly.
We wish you both all the very best,

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