Missing Sarge

by John
(Phoenix, Arizona, USA)

I just lost my schnauzer Sarge to cancer. We were together for nine years.
Before he went I told him I would get us another dog for Christmas and he was down with that. I will be in the Phoenix/Tucson area by December 15 and I will be looking for him. When I find him, we'll always be together.

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Nov 15, 2010
Missing Sarge
by: Cindi

I share your grief. It's almost one year since we lost our dear sweet Holly to breast cancer. We rescued her from a puppy mill in Georgia and only had her for less than three years. When we got her she had never stepped foot on the grass or the floor. She had always lived in a cage and had pups every heat. Her vocal cords had been removed with a coat hanger from what the vet could tell. She was only one of a very few they could save from the hell she lived in for almost eight years. We had to teach her many things that we take for granted when we get a dog of that age. It was almost like getting a new puppy. I tried so hard to give her ALL the love and care that she had missed in her beginning years. It's almost been one year since she passed in my arms. There will always be a very special place for her in our hearts. I only hope that she passed remembering her wonderful few years with us and not those horrible years in the mill. We have rescued three schnauzers since Holly's passing. Shelly was a drop off at the pound. We have no information on her at all. She is an older dog. Then we got Kitzel. She is 10 months and quite a handful. Last but not least, we adopted Fritz. He is 15 months and was an owner drop off as well. I might suggest getting a rescue. We work with the Schnauzer Love Rescue and maybe they can help you with finding a new friend. We realized with Holly that there are so many wonderful furry friends out there that need a lasting forever home it is the best way we can help them. Puppy mills and pet stores need to be shut down! Good luck finding your new friend. It won't be difficult.

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