Mr. James

(Spartanburg, SC)

My mini-schnauzer is nearing 12 years old. The last
few days she has been panting a lot. She is an indoor pooch, enjoying the cool comfort of the house.
Is the panting related to pain or discomfort?

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Jul 05, 2010
re: panting
by: Don

Hi Cindi
Our 9 year old schnauzer, Sadie, started doing the same thing. After about 6 weeks of this we took her to the vet and she was diagnosed with a bladder infection and she also had developed diabetes. We had allowed her to become overweight which I feel also contributed to the diabetes. All this has caused her to drink literally gallons of water and urinate quite freqently. We kept going for a glucose curve test every week for about 8 or 9 weeks. The Dr. kept going up and down with her insulin and couldn't get her sugar under control when suddenly overnight she developed rapid onset cataracts and went completely blind. We then were refered to an opthamologist for dogs (I had no idea these even existed)and she has now been reschduled for cataract surgery twice because we couldn't get the sugar under control. We have been taking her to an internist (another first for me) for 3 weeks now and still do not have it controlled but the Dr. thinks this week it will be. If not then she has to look at cushings disease. We need to get her cataract surgery done as soon as possible because of scar tissue building up on her corneas. I'm not telling you all this to scare you but to impress upon you the urgency of taking him to the vet. Schnauzers are predisposed to bladder infections, pancreatitis, cushings and diabetes so please do not delay taking him for an exam. Please let us know how he's doing.
Best regards,
Don Will

Jul 05, 2010
12 yr old
by: Cindi

I notice you live in SC. It has been very hot there from what I've seen on the weather map. It could be heat but I would play it safe and have him checked out with some blood work. It'll be worth your peace of mind.

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