Ms Sandi Madden

by Sandi

would a 3 month old male chihuahua be a good choice for a 2nd dog when I have now a 2 year old female mini schnauzer

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May 03, 2020
Great news
by: Linda

Really glad it worked out for you :)
A Yorkie usually knows how to look after herself and Schnauzers are usually quite sensitive, so a great combination.

Apr 29, 2020
chihuahua to be included with my female mini schnouzer
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your comment. I thought it through and eventually decided on a male Yorkshire terrier. He was 12 weeks old and they became firm friends immediately. He was a little nervous when she played enthusiastically but she is so perfect she quickly realized the need for gentleness and reduced her vocalization. She also flipped on her back a lot allowing him to play top dog.

She is now very protective of him and he seems to have lost the nervousness. It is just lovely to watch them playing together and I see a huge difference in Jenny's personality. She is just generally happier and you can see the love they share.

Aug 12, 2019
2nd dog
by: Linda

Much depends on personality of the individual dogs. It would only work if your Schnauzer had been spayed.
They might get on like a house on fire, but I wouldn't commit to the other dog until you have introduced them and seen how they get on together.
Baby chihuahuas are extremely delicate, so supervise the introduction.
Good luck!

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