My 4-month old mini schnauzer shedding lots of hair

by Roy Miu


I'm on my 3rd mini schnauzer. I love them for their unique temperament and hypoallergenic coat. My previous mini schnauzers don't shed at all but my 4-month old black mini schnauzer,Rocky, sheds so much that my white floor tile is littered with black hair.

His hair doesn't come off when I pat him or ruffle his hair. I suppose his hair comes off when he plays or moves around the apartment.

As a result, I'm sneezing up a storm and constantly blowing my nose. I would hate to give him up because of the shedding. I was told by the breeder that it's normal for mini schnauzer to shed its puppy coat. If so, for how long? Local pet shops told me to change Rocky's food. He's on Eukanuba Puppy small bite. What should I do?

I'm from Singapore and I don't have a wide range of dog food brands to choose from.

Thank you in advance.

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Dec 12, 2009
Food Diet
by: Tori


I have a mini Schnauzer as well. She is having a little bit of shedding but improving. Eukanuba is NOT a good brand. I would recommend Innova more than anything. It is completely natural and not filled with corn, wheat and basically awful "fillers' that are unhealthy for your dog. Try it and I'm sure he will improve! Hope this helps!

Oct 13, 2009
My 4 month old Mojo coat is thinning too...
by: Chris Ong

Pet shop told me, Mojo is changing its puppy coat.
Does Mini Schnauzer puppy shed its puppy hair like any other puppies? I could not get the answer from the web.

If Mini Schnauzer does not change its puppy hair, then,
personally I think is the food (Vet thinks otherwise). Mojo shedding started when I changed his food to Natural Balance - Salmon & Sweet Potato, due to IBD. Am thinking of switching back to its initial diet of chicken, & turkey from Nutra Gold's puppy microbite.

Mojo's hair is just thinning with NO red scabs, fleas not even flaky skin.

I need some advice too.
Thank you.

Jul 28, 2009
Schnauzer shedding hair
by: Freda

Hi Roy,
I'm no expert, but that doesnt sound too good. I've had schnauzers and none of them have ever shed hairs.
It could be a possible food allergy.
The first thing you can try is to change diet. Here are some other things to look for -

Does lots of hair come out in piles when you comb it?
Can you see down to the skin and see if there is little things like scabs on the skin?
Try running a flea comb through the hair and see if you see the little red scab things come out on the comb. Some dogs that have allergies to wheat will have gblobs of hair come out, and one of the signs is little red like scabs on the hair shafts.
Hope this helps, Freda

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