My little girl dog, Vanna

by Michael
(Southern Oregon)

I rescued/adopted her in 2007 Schnauzers are great dogs.

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Mar 24, 2020
Grieving Vanna has been hard
by: Michael

I don't know if I will ever get over my little Vanna. We Were special close, when I wake up in the morning, with her not being here makes me really feel the loss of her. I would like very much to take care of another girl schnauzer by providing a forever home with all the love and care that these little schnauzer deserve. I do worry that the new little girl will most likely feel my loss of Vanna.

Mar 24, 2020
Than kyou, Michael
by: Linda

Hi Michael,
I hope once you have finished grieving for Vanna you are able to offer another lucky Schnauzer a forever home.
And Max would certainly have liked the look of Vanna! He was a bit timid with big dogs after being attacked, but loved other Schnauzers, especially females!
Our thoughts are with you.

Mar 20, 2020
Thank you Linda for the kind words.
by: Michael

The short time that I have known about, website and after looking around it has really helped me with my grieving and missing of my little girl Vanna. Thank you again Linda for the kind words in your comments about Vanna and Me. I am also sorry about your loss of Max he is a Great Schnauzer, I am sure Vannas eyes would of been on him.

Mar 20, 2020
she's lovely
by: Linda

She was lovely, Michael - and so lucky to have found you.

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