My male standard schnauzer is 5,5 months old and weighs 11,5 kg, is it normal?

by Murat Uslu

Rudy is very positive,well behaved, very healthy boy, but i wonder if he is ok for his age with being 11,5 kilos for 5,5 months? Could anyone provided me a chart for SS's weight and height until one year old? Many thanks in advance, Murat Note: in Turkey knowledge of vets for SS is very limited so I am dependent to your responses,thanks again....

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Nov 08, 2017
Standard schnauzer size
by: Anonymous

My standard schnauzer is 16 months old and weighs 12.55 kegs. My vet says she is very healthy and a lovely pup and is in proportion. She says she is just small like some people are small.
I must admit I' m still a bit concerned. However, she is bold, extremely active, confident with other dogs, v. Strong and self willed, and adorable.
NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Some female standards are not much bigger than large Minis! Don't worry, she sounds lovely.

Apr 12, 2012
SS weight
by: Sanja

My standard schnauzer is 4,5 months old and her weight is around 11 kg. Maybe you should take your pet to the vet. Rough measure for big and medium dogs is that when they are 14 weeks old, you can double their weight and add half of that and that will be their approximately adult weight. For example my SS was around 7 kg when she was 14 weeks old (7+7+3.5=17.5 kg).

Mar 15, 2012
Ss male size
by: Anonymous

That is small... But if he is a healthy weight for his height... He may just be a small boy. My 5 mos old boy( who is much smaller than his mom at the same age) is 15 Kg... He just turned 5 mos...

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