My Schnauzer is hot

by Rod
(Atlanta, GA)

My (dark coat) Schnauzer runs for shade whenever we walk her in the hot Georgia sun. I hear conflicting opinions about the reason. Do Schnauzers get hotter when they are groomed with short coats or do they stay cooler when their coats are allowed to grow out naturally?

Hi Rod,
Schnauzers can't moult so it is a good idea to get them stripped or clipped every few weeks. They have a double coat and are unable to shed their hair and so can get pretty hot in summer.
Also, dogs can't sweat, they can only cool down their body by panting, which is not very effective.
Our advice would be to get a short clip or strip for your dog in summer, then continue this about every eight weeks, although you can keep the coat longer in winter, and to make sure he has plenty of water, especially in summer.
How often do other schnauzer owners get their dogs clipped?

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Aug 25, 2016
My baby schnauzer is hot at only 8 weeks old
by: Ashley

So I just got my baby schnauzer and of course he does not have all his shots yet so he doesn't even go outside he is black in color and even with the air on if he's sitting in my lap he starts to pant he seems to get hot fast? Should I get him groomed already it's like 73 degrees in here and 100 degrees outside so confused?

Note from Linda and Max
Make sure he has plenty to drink and a cool place with no drafts to sleep. He is too young to groom yet.
Good luck with him!

Jul 19, 2012
Cooling Lacey off
by: Michele

Hi.. Linda and Max are the experts, and I'm sure you'll take their advice, too.. but I always carry water and a water spray with me for my boys Rebel.. my black & silver.. and Rambo .. my Aussie Silky and my puppy Benji. But the best advice I can give you both is not to take Lacey out in the heat of the day.. usually between midday to about 3pm.
Pavements are hot and it can burn their pads... if you know the Spaniards and the Italians always have a siesta during these times.. but most of all plenty of paddles if near streams, and plenty of water to drink..Betsy's advice about the cool jacket if a great idea, and if it works for her girl.. Spiffy, I'm sure it will also work for Lacey..In the UK it does not get as hot as where you live..but when the temps are high, I take care...

Jul 18, 2012
Still, hot Schnauzer
by: Rodney from Douglasville

It's really great reading all the comments about how to keep Lacey cool... love the suggestion about the cooling scarf from Dick's and keeping a bottle of spray water handy. Lacey's favorite thing to do in all the world (other than fetching just about anything) is walking in the woods. Since my wife and I love to hike, and finding time is often an issue, we do frequently find ourselves in the woods during the hottest parts of the day; and we do encourage Lacey to cool herself when we are near streams. But we are still looking for a definitive answer from a definitive expert, if such a person exists; Unfortunately, time will not permit me to read incisively, the endless blogs, books and articles to find "the answer to our conundrum". Surely in the hyper-technical world in which we live, there is clinical evidence to prove conclusively whether Schnauzer's coats should be kept long or short to keep them cool during hot summer months. So if there is anybody out there who has found "the answer", please share it with us...

Jul 17, 2012
Hot Schnauzer
by: Rodney

Thanks Linda and Max. I will make more use of your website now that I know about it. But, I went online last night and there are numerous reputable sources who say that dogs natural coats are designed to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer and that when coats are stripped in the summer, it has an opposite effect; their natural coats protect them from sunburn and keep them cool in hot weather and provide warmth in the winter. I am not disputing your advice about shaving our miniature Schnauzer (Lacey), but I admit I am now more confused than ever; WHAT-TO-DO???


Jul 17, 2012
Shorter cut and a cooling towel
by: Betsy, Alpharetta, GA

Indeed, hot is the word.

I groom Spiffy and during the summer make sure that I lightly run the blade against the grain of the fur. This gets more hair off. And, during the summer groom her more frequently, to be sure the hair stays very short.

Since Spiffy pesters my husband for a daily walk and it has been so hot (Even during the early mornings or late evenings), both my husband and Spiffy use the Frogg Togg cooling towel that is sold at Dick's. About $14. If you're not familiar with them, they are made of a canvas type material that absorbs water. The water stays in the material for hours. I bought one, cut a piece off for Spiffy. My husband wears the large piece around his neck. Spiffy has the smaller piece wrapped around her collar. They really work to keep both of them cool.

For quick trips outdoors, I sometimes spritz her with a little water. Especially, around her neck.

Jul 17, 2012
Hot Schnauzers
by: Michele

Linda and Max are right as all their comments are.. and also my black and silver boy, Rebel, his coat gets hot in the sun, but I do not take them out in the hottest part of the day.. usually early morning before 10am or evening when the sun has cooled down.. But I always carry water with me and also a small water spray, so if he does get too hot I spray his coat with the cool water, and if near a stream, providing it is clean I let them paddle... I have a child's paddling pool in my garden and they love that... Benji has already experienced paddling when he followed Rambo in.. !!

Jul 17, 2012
Hi, neighbor
by: Anonymous

Sounds like you live near me, Swanee, Georgia Just outside of Johns Creek.

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