My Willow Baby

by Dolphin Whisperer

How many ounces of food does a Mini Schnauzer pup eat a day? She is will be around 5 pounds.
Also how long will 250 ml of water vs 350 ml keep my Willow hydrated? Thanks! 😊

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Jul 29, 2020
depends on size
by: Linda

Hi there,
Dogs should have free access to water.
I hope you aren't thinking of leaving Willow in a cage or crate most of the day? She will hate it and become very sad.
Minis are very much people-loving dogs and love to be with you. Using a crate is OK for a couple of hours but should never be used for long periods.
If you are out of the house a lot, then please leave her with a friend or neighbour, not on her own, she will get depressed and develop behaviour issues.
Type PUPPY DAILY FEEDING CHART BY WEIGHT into Google. A female Mini will weigh 10-15lb as an adult.
Good luck with Willow! (lovely name)

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