No sign of my Scruffy as of yet, I keep looking though

by Louise C Snyder
(Chicago, IL 60609 USA)



Anyone seeing him please notify me, it would make the the happiest person alive. Thank you in advance,

(Louise's original story:
"I purchased Scruffy my miniature schnauzer about 2 1/2 years ago after what was a very tramatic time in life. Lost both my father and sister within a year, then lost my job and my current dog to old age. Anyway, upon receiving Scruffy my life changed for the better. He turned out to be my little ray of sunshine and brought love and laughter back into my life.

But..the world has changed so much that your pets aren't even safe. My Scruffy was stolen from the yard (and somehow escaped from them) only to now be on the loose. Gone for 3 months, and knowing how Schnauzer lovers love their dog(s), you can imagine what I am going through. I just wanted to alert people out there who think that "this won't happen to me", it could.")

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Feb 12, 2010
by: margee

How do you know he was stollen from your yard? How do you know that they lost him? I ask because I let all my dogs play in my yard. I do know if your yard has a gap in your fence they will find it! I was lucky my first schnauzer would find a way out all the time so I got a new fence with RR ties. My knew guy is 7mo. and very small and he found a gap thank God my bulldog let me know and I found him. They are so prey driven you have to be so so careful! I pray you find him I lost my Rio last year he was 17 he died of oldage.

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