Panting and drinking a lot of water

I have a white miniature schnauzer who just started panting heavy at night. I put a fan on high directly on her during the night. She is running no fever and just started drinking alot of water during the day.
What could be wrong and what should I do?

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Drinking excessive water can be a sign that something is wrong, like diabetes. We suggest you get her checked out to be on the safe side.
I did this with Max and it turned out he was fine, he was just drinking a lot of water because he was hot - what a relief!
Good Luck.

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Nov 12, 2012
Thirsty schnauzer
by: Michele

Please follow Linda and Max's advice. This
will give you the result and peace of mind.
Hopefully all will be well and your schnauzer
is only thirsty. Unfortunately with my boy in 2005
it was due to his kidneys and it was too late,
as he showed no sign and was a healthy boy
until I saw blood in his urine. He passed away
4 days later but I did all to make him well.

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