peeing at night

by jeannette
(whiteley, hampshire, uk)

hi what can i do to stop my 2-yr old mini schnauzer bitch from weeing and sometimes pooing under my table at night?
We let her out before we go to bed but when we come down in the morning she has weed, but it is not every day - help she is ruining my laminate floor and oak furniture legs.

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: If she was already housetrained, it could be behavioural or she might have a bladder infection or similar. Have you had her checked out by your vet?

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Jan 21, 2014
Peeing at Night
by: Toni

If your Mini has a urinary or bladder infection you need an antibiotic for her to clean it up. My Mini female had two sessions of this and the vet said a lot of females are prone to bladder or U.T.I.s. After research, I found a Doggy site that sells dog products and bought some tiny CRANBERRY doggie bits to give her every other day. Cranberry works for dogs as well as for people to make the more acidic environment that doesn't grow the bacteria. It doesn't work for everyone, but it seems to have worked for my Mini, since it has been a year and a half since her last U.T.I. If you notice any blood tint in the urine that is definitely evidence, or is she licking her genital area a lot. This is very uncomfortable and she may be peeing because she is in pain. Another thought, why is she downstairs when you are upstairs at night? She may be suffering separation anxiety and peeing because she can't tell you she is lonely. My Mini will sleep on the sofa in the next room from me, or come into my bedroom to "up on mommy's bed" when she is lonely. I had a rescued Westie that would pee when left alone. The trauma from his former family caused him such worry that he never got over it. I had a problem with him all the years I had him. I would get the Mini checked out by a vet first. Dogs can't tell us what is wrong. They depend on us to help them when they are suffering. You don't want to lose her, and you don't want her in pain.

Jan 21, 2014
Peeing at Night
by: Toni

If your Mini has a urinary or bladder infection you need an antibiotic for her to clean it up. My Mini female had two sessions of this and the vet said a lot of females are prone to bladder or U.T.I.s. After research, I found a Doggy site that sells dog products and bought some tiny CRANBERRY doggie bits to give her every other day. Cranberry works for dogs as well as for people to make the more acidic environment that doesn't grow the bacteria. It doesn't work for everyone, but it seems to have worked for my Mini, since it has been a year and a half since her last U.T.I. If you notice any blood tint in the urine that is definitely evidence, or is she licking her genital area a lot. This is very uncomfortable and she may be peeing because she is in pain. Another thought, why is she downstairs when you are upstairs at night? She may be suffering separation anxiety and peeing because she can't tell you she is lonely. My Mini will sleep on the sofa in the next room from me, or come into my bedroom to "up on mommy's bed" when she is lonely. I had a rescued Westie that would pee when left alone. The trauma from his former family caused him such worry that he never got over it. I had a problem with him all the years I had him. I would get the Mini checked out by a vet first. Dogs can't tell us what is wrong. They depend on us to help them when they are suffering. You don't want to lose her, and you don't want her in pain.

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