by Michele
My Last Outing to the Beach
As you see this was my Black Schnauzer... Ringo age 15 years... I took him to the beach on November 14th as I knew it would be his very last outing, with me.. as he was very slow and was losing weight.. he did not have Diabetes, nor Kidney Failure & was not losing his sight, he may have started going a bit deaf, due to his age.. I used to have him in a Doggy Stroller when my other 2 were with me, so he was never left alone, as this he loved, when he got tired.. travelling in " Style " A week later I called my vet, who came, but would not do anything, as he reckoned that Ringo would go naturally, as I was cuddling him, and he did as we were talking... so now I have my 4 boys Ashes planted in 2 planters each with a Rose Bush and a memorial plaque.. " In Memory of Rambo, Rocky," and " In Memory of Rebel 1 and Ringo " They are on either side of my front door..
(Rambo & Rocky were Yorkshire Terriers)...