Schnauzer changing color - is this normal?

by deb

My three year old schnauzer's hair is changing from gray to light
brown on his back. Is this normal?

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Dec 27, 2024
Color change
by: Faye Valentine

Our Schnauzer, Faye was a pitch black puppy, but now at 2 years old she is mostly silver/grey with some black in her underbelly, ears, paws,and beard. She has one small white patch on her chest. Not sure if this is normal. Its not like mixed black and white hairs to look silver/gray. The hairs are silverish gray.
NOTE FROM LINDA: This is not unusual. The colour fades in some dogs - usually black or red ones; it has to do with genetics and nothing to worry about.

Aug 05, 2023
White Schnauzer skin
by: Anonymous

I found out that the skin darkening as they mature is normal for a white Schnauzer. Even though they have white fur, their skin can range from medium to dark grey, or a combination of grey.

Jul 28, 2023
Skin color changing
by: Anonymous

Our 3 month old mini white Schnauzer is rapidly changing color, not so much the fur, but her skin color. When we goy her it was mostly pink with a little light grey. It is now mostly light grey to charcoal, and even black in some spots. The fur has remained white. Is this normal?

This can happen sometimes, but keep an eye on her. If the skin seems red, inflamed or irritated, get her checked out.

Dec 25, 2020
changing colors
by: G. Foster

My 10 month old schnauzer is all black, but has started turning a silver/grey color on her head and face. Is this normal? Her momma was all black and her dad was a silver/grey.

NOTE FROMLINDA: Yes, this is normal. Schnauzer puppies are often darker than their adult colours

Nov 03, 2019
Changing Color
by: GRofVA

We have a white with dark brown spots miniature Parti schnauzer. Shortly after developing Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever at six months old, her dark brown spots turned to a light brown and the top of her head turned a mixture of light brown and gray.

Apr 10, 2019
Benji changing colour
by: Anonymous

My pepper and salt mini is 5. He has just developed a brownish patch on his back. This is more wiry than the rest of his coat. We are surprised at this.
NOTE FROM LINDA: normally, the wiry brown part of the coat is the "pepper". This often disappears if the dog is clippered, which is why all show Schnauzers are hand stripped, it retains the brown, wiry outer coat. Sounds like Benji has some outer coat growing.

Sep 22, 2015
schnauzer beard stains
by: Anonymous

Actually, this works: We rescued a white Schnauzer. Stained beard always. Vet thought allergic to chicken or meat, switched her to Royal Canin Select Protein Adult PR -- RABBIT. Beard has been white ever since. No yucky enzymes, methinks that was the problem. Seriously, within a few days she had a white beard. All the other "cures" seemed like nonsense in comparison.

Sep 07, 2014
Why Is My 8 year Schnauzer Fiona hair changing color (?)
by: Juan dlm

She was salt and pepper as a puppy with sparks of light brown on her legs and face. She turned into Silver as an adult dog and now in the area of her head and ears she is turning light brown.
Why would this be happening at this age now (?).

Feb 27, 2012
Changing colour
by: Michele

Don't worry.. he sounds like a TRUE ..Pepper and Salt puppy as the grey mingled with light brown is normal.. a white beard ..great. but if you feed him wet food his beard will go stained light brown... which is normal as it's the saliva that does it.. i used to use a white dog shampoo on my later pepper and salt boy's beard and other white parts .. his soft fur on his legs....

Feb 27, 2012
Their hair always changes at least mine does
by: Anonymous

My mini schneuzer Mr. Bentley boo Davidson (the beard got me he needed a mr. And a last name :p)was all dark brown when I got him as a puppy now he is two grey and light light brown his eyebrows are white!! I think someone switched my puppy when I look at pictures ! :p I love him so

Jan 27, 2012
Changing colour..
by: Michele

I don't really know but my Rebel 1 ( I'll post a photo of him and Ringo in Stories, shortly ) who was Pepper & Salt colour did have little light brown hairs growing in between the pepper and salt ones ( pepper is of a brownish / black ) ( so I wouldn't worry.. as long as he is a schnauzer.. My Rebel 2 is also 3 years old...but he is Black and Silver...

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