Schnauzer has slow-growing coat

by Enid
(Trujillo Alto, PR)

My 3 month old Schnauzer is a cross between a Miniature and a Standard Schnauzer. I am a bit concerned because her coat is growing way too slow in comparison to other Schnauzer puppies.
Is there something wrong or is there something I can do to stimulate hair growth? Could this be due to being half Standard and half Mini? And will her coat ever grow fully?
She is salt and pepper, the hair on her legs is starting to grow out, but the rest of her coat is quite short. She is otherwise in perfect health.

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: This sounds quite normal to us. Max's coat was quite slow to grow and he didn't get a proper beard until he was nearly two years old. If her coat and skin are healthy, we wouldn't worry - a shorter coat will also save you some money at the groomer's!
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Aug 21, 2013
by: Gail

Our 4 month old mini schnauzer has the same coat.Shes white like her mother but her coat is thick just not longer. She is also getting a full beard and mustache. She's healthy and is smart and is a hurricane! She's also the last in the litter left to find a home . All of the other four had full coats. We're still waiting for hers!

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