Schnauzer jumps up like she's been bitten

by mike and leah

I have a 4 year old female. She can be sitting or laying down & will suddenly jump up like something bit her but!
Had her anal glands removed, no sign of fleas, had allergy shots. My vet seems to be out of answers.

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Apr 30, 2023

by: Linda

NOTE FROM LINDA: Just replying to your comment without being able to see your Mini, it could be allergies or flea bites. Our Schnauzer used to do this when his anus was itching due to allergies. He had cortisone ointment to treat it.
does he scratch a lot?
Some are sensitive to dry food.
Try him on a diet of fish and chicken and rice and veg -no dry food, keep him away from grass, etc, if possible for a week (or hose him down after a walk in the country) and see if he improves.
If he does, it's allergies.
Good luck

Apr 27, 2023
by: Anonymous

My 4 year old min schnauzer,leaps up even while sleeping ,seems. Like. he’s been bitten .I’ve tried all creams , always had dry food with chicken or fish daily .doesn’t get rubbish fed to him .can anyone tell me what it can be .at my wits end ,with him jumping ,it’s a shame .any help I would be grateful thanks

Mar 07, 2021
My mini schnauzer is doing this too
by: Anonymous

My mini schnauzer is doing this too. Looking for any others who's dog had this and their experience. Im bringing him to vet tomorrow. 2 nights not much sleep. I feel awful for him. It seems to be worse at night.

NOTE FROM LINDA: Could be allergies. Good luck

Feb 17, 2021
Follow up
by: Anonymous

Did you ever find the cause for this? My dog is doing the same and we are out of options.

NOTE FROM LINDA: Just replying to your comment without being able to see the previous correspondence, it sounds like it could be allergies or flea bites. Our Schnauzer used to do this when his anus was itching due to allergies. He had cortisone ointment to treat it.

Jun 28, 2012
MAYBE the Pancreas
by: Anonymous

Also, I learned that miniature schnauzers are prone to pancreatic problems.
Itching was a sign my dog had just before he got super sick and sadly, didn't make it.

Maybe mention getting the pancreas checked at the vet's.

Good luck.

Jun 27, 2012
Try higher Protein
by: Anonymous

Our dog has done that, too.
We changed her diet to more meaty ingredients on her dry and canned food.
That rule includes dog treats, too.
She is MUCH better.

I read on a website that it is better for the first three or four ingredients to be meat, not grain.

Jun 17, 2012
Molly too!
by: Molly's Mom

I too have been to the vet numerous times worried about my mini-schnauzer. She seems to be worse in the morning, often leaping out of her bed (she sleeps in my bedroom) and tears across the carpet. There has been times where she just wouldn't settle again, so the two of us have to get up pretty early some mornings. Thanks for the advise regarding more protein. I'm going to try it.

Apr 22, 2012
Possible reason
by: Anonymous


DH and I have a dog who was doing the very same thing.

After researching, we figured out that her food was causing too much gas in her tummy.

We switched her to a diet with more meat in her dry and canned food.
By making sure the first three ingredients were listed as a type of meat rather than grains or veggies, she is so much better!

It's slightly more expensive, but worth it.

Our second dog is a Schnauzer and since changing her diet to a more meaty diet, she's doing much better and not tooting.

Apr 03, 2012
mine did that but he's cured now
by: Anonymous

Hi My mini schnauzer has allergies and bites and scratches quite a bit in spring and summer.
He started doing exactly the same thing. The vet gave us a cortizone spray to spray sparingly once a day maximum and it did the trick.
He only occasionally does it now and we still give him the odd spray on the affected area - good luck with yours

Apr 02, 2012
schnauzer jumps up like she's been bitten
by: Anonymous

Hi, my 10 yr old has been doing that for yrs and I too was worried until I heard her passing gas a few times and she did the very same thing, jumped up like something scared or bit her...and actually it did, she scared herself.She is after all a lady. ( they don't always make noise and are not alway smelly)

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